Dr. Stephen and Jodi Swanson, Tanzania
While the family’s needs are completely taken care of through the ELCA, there are many needs at the hospitals in which the Swansons serve. If you would like to support the needs of the hospitals through a financial gift, checks can be made payable to Immanuel with “missionaries” in the memo line or donate directly online.
We are grateful for the opportunity to visit Steve & Jodi Swanson to see the work they are doing improving neonatal care in Tanzania!
Stephen, a board-certified pediatric and infectious disease physician, serves in the care of children at Arusha Lutheran Medical Center (ALMC) and Selian Lutheran Hospital in Arusha; is active in educational and research efforts and mentorship; helps to develop pediatric medical curriculum and ongoing training of Tanzanian nursing and medical students, assistant medical officers, interns and international residents; and serves as an intermediary to the international global health community.
Jodi participates in the care and management of acute childhood malnutrition in the hospital and community, as well as being active in nursing and health education and training community health workers.
Contact: Arusha Lutheran Medical Center, PO Box 17047, Arusha, Tanzania
A NICU's Journey in Tanzania, and Baby Blessing from Dr. Stephen J. Swanson on Vimeo.
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