As people of God, we are created to give, to serve, to share, and to love. At our best, when we do these things, we are shaped by giving to God's work!
On Sunday, November 19th we will bring forward our pledges of financial gifts to the 2024 General Fund budget at Immanuel. We will be holding a celebration breakfast to honor and highlight how God has blessed us in 2023 and continues to bless abnd move this congregation forward! NEW this year we will also have representatives at Immanuel from several of our Partner Ministries to give us a bigger picture of how our gifts are making huge impacts outside of our walls!
Pledge cards will be sent to all members in late October - bring your completed pledge to worship November 19th. Pledges can also be made online!
Click HERE to reflect on devotions by Immanuel members.
Knowing what financial gifts we will receive helps church staff & leadership to create a budget within our means and be good stewards of God's gifts. But it does so much more! When you pledge your financial gifts, your heart and focus are changed. Your committment to the ministries of Immanuel is strengthened and you become more fully engaged in that partnership! Your giving is SHAPED by God's work in your life and it SHAPES your life as you move forward.
Benevolence is important to the people of God at Immanuel and we are committed to 8% of our giving going to several partner ministries in the Twin Cities and around the globe. On top of those gifts, we are challenged throughout the year with specific needs of financial gifts, donations or goods, and service of time! Learn more about them and how Immanuel is involved in serving others!
Immanuel will celebrate Giving Sunday on November 19 at our 9 and 10:30am worship. We come together that day to:
Our giving transforms lives in two ways. Our giving changes the lives of others as we share the love of God in tangible ways, and our giving changes our hearts as we place our lives in God’s hands with our prayerful pledge.
This free breakfast (Egg bakes, pancakes and fruit) is a way of saying thanks to you for your faithful giving, and to provide a time of fellowship for all of us to enjoy.
Egg Bake Donations Needed: We are in need of egg bakes for this wonderful celebration. We be serving the breakfast from 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. on Sunday, November 20, so egg bakes need to be cooked and ready to serve when dropped off. Please have egg bakes to the Immanuel kitchen before 9 a.m. You can pick up a pan and recipe at the welcome desk. Sign up to donate an Egg Bake.
Volunteers are needed to help prepare and serve the breakfast. Please contact to volunteer.
Community Registry
Housing Justice
Caring Ministries
Cleanup Day - Spring
Cristo Obrero
Disciples’ Garden
Dresses for Africa
ELCA World Hunger
Loaves & Fishes
Humanity Alliance
Lutheran Social Services
Lutheran World Relief
Mobile Dental Clinic
Prayer Shawls & Quilts
Racial Justice
Refugee Circle of Welcome
Simpson Housing
Sunday Volunteers
Tech Teams
World Bicycle Relief
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.