These 4 Faith Habits reflect Biblical models of faith nurture and have been shown, via research, to be effective means of passing on the faith from generation to generation. Could you add a new spiritual habit in your family by adding/developing one of the 4 keys?
1 - Caring Conversation: Caring Conversations that show an interest in others are key times of faith nurture. Sharing joys, hurts, concerns, dreams, hopes and values.
2 - Daily Devotions: Here are some ways to develop your "Home Church" Faith Habits: Personal Prayer and Bible Reading; Home Altars & Prayer Corners; Read bible stories and story books; Pray together; Use table graces before and after meals; Pray for, and with, each other.
3 - Rituals and Traditions: Patterns of behavior that communicate certain meaning in life. Rituals to effectively communicate faith: Prayers & Blessings; Grace before meals; Bedtime prayers; Devotions; Advent calendar and/or Advent Wreath; Celebrate Baptism Birthdays; Partings e.g. `God bless'
4 - Service: Help at a food shelf or a social service agency in your community; Visit a nursing home; Pick up trash at a local park/playground; Plan an act of kindness for a family member; Take a summer service trip; Serving one's neighbor is the response to Christ's love for us. We live out these faith habits every night in every home through The Faith Five.
Faith habits to practice in your home::
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.