Baptism Font

Baptismal Font Redesign

Our 20+ year old baptismal font had been leaking!  After sealing (and re-sealing!) the granite seams many times water still found its way out.

Our font, loacated at the main doors of the sanctuary, was not only the loaction of baptisms, but has been a constant reminder of God's everflowing grace, welcoming and claiming us, gathering us in community.  Our properties committee determined that it was time to find a longterm practical solution that used the existing structure with a new design.  A team of Immanuel members was developed to investigate how best to move forward. 

About the font:  

Watch the video of the font dedication

The updated font was completed in July 2022 and was dedicated on Sunday, August 28, 2022.

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Immanuel Lutheran Church © 2023

A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.